Belting Theory (method) and Hypothetical Plotting Scheme (method) of valuing land are corollaries of Market Approach/Sale Comparison Method. These methods are useful in valuing large size, large area lands. These methods should be used only when sales of similar comparable large size lands are not available. In view of number of assumption made in this theory. Courts have observed that these methods should be adopted as” Last resort”.
This theory is very old and it is very much useful in valuing large size plots, falling in under developed portion of the town. In case of Mathura Prasad, Supreme Court held – “Where a large area of land in an urban locality is sought to be acquired in determining the market value, the method of belting is appropriate. It is common knowledge that the lands having frontage on main roads in urban areas are always more attractive than the lands which have no such frontage.” However this Theory can not be said to have universal application for all large size plots.
There are some basic norms for the applicability of Belting Theory.
- If there are no comparable sale instances in the locality of similar large size plots, this method can be
- Plot should be in underdeveloped area or out-skirts of the town where land is ripe for developments for N A. use.
- Depth of the plot should be considerably more as compared to frontage (width) of the plot along the Full depth land should be under one ownership.
- Plot area should be sufficiently large so that it could be divided into different belts, each belt having 25 m to 30 m depth
- Instances of sales of small size plots are available in the locality for comparision of landrate.
- Road is only on one side of the plot and on the other side boundaries there is no road.
- The land to be valued must be in one/single ownership. Plots in different ownership at different distances from road should not be clubbed together as single holding and valued by Belting Theory.
The belting theory is based on the principle that front portion of land is more valuable than the rear portion of land. Hence under this method, total plot is divided into three belts.
Front Belt: The depth of the first belt is equal to depth of small sale instance plot
Middle Belt: This belt is 1.5 times the depth of front belt.
Rear Belt : The depth of this belt is the remaining balance depth of plot. Land area falling in each belt is valued at different rates.
Front Belt: The rates of the first belt is equal to depth of small sale instance plot
Middle Belt: The rate is 2/3 of front belt.
Rear Belt : The rate is ½ of the first belt
Land area falling in each belt is valued at different rates.
The depth of each belt and discounted rates adopted for each belt are not fixed and rigid norms. Depending upon facts and circumstances in each case, valuer may increase or decrease depth of each belt and also vary discount percentages for each belt.
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